week 1 Puppy Stardust - review fundamentals all puppies should know. Sit, down, come, watch and leash walking are all reviewed.
week2 Modern Dog - home and public manners are the emphasis of this class. Safety commands such as "stop" and non reactivity are also practiced.
week 3 Rescue, Rescue - rescue dogs often come with certain trust issues like insecurity and fear. This class is all about building confidence and the socialization most rescue dogs did not get as puppies. Whether you have a rescue or not, this is a good refresher.
week 4 Dogs Can Be Heroes - every dog is a therapy dog. Let's give them all the social skills and manners to do professionally or just to freelance.
4 week class**
**call for next start date
Bowie inspired class
Focus on - fundamentals, manners, enrichment, socialization
and a little glam rock.
Because ... why not?
Take your dog through all the ch-ch-changes of their life safely & with ease.
We are quite aware of what they are going through.
All ages. All Breeds. All musical tastes.
Class meets at
Founder's Veterinary Clinic 330 N. Brea Blvd., Brea
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Dog not a good fit for a group class?
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