I founded Dogs Etc. Dog Training in 1997 with the simple mission ~ to enrich dogs’ lives.

How did you start training dogs? I am always asked that question. And it is a very good question.
My crazy dog lady life began when I was 13 and got my very first dog.
Her name was Pepper and she was the center of my universe. She was a little black cockapoo and words cannot express how much I loved her. She was my everything.
I trained her just the way all the books and trainers said to. Even though I felt horrible using a choke chain, all the "experts" said that's how it was supposed to be done. Who was I to question them?
My Pepper learned all the commands and walked on leash perfectly, but she had a bad habit of dashing out the door and running away. I did everything the experts said to do - but nothing worked.
Pepper was 10 years old and still door dashing.
One horrible day her luck ran out.
Gary and had been married almost a year and we were at my parents house for the 4th of July holiday.
As we were leaving, Pepper ran out the door of my parent's house just as a mini van was speeding down the street.
Her 10 pound body didn't stand a chance.
Now I'm not one to throw myself any pity parties.
I don't want to just make lemonade out of lemons - I want to make Margaritas!
Devastated as I was at her loss, I had to find meaning in it. I just HAD to.
What could have prevented this?
How could I have taught her better?
I turned to my love of psychology.
It then became my mission – ok obsession – to share these more effective, easier and funner training techniques with all dogs and their owners.
I never, ever, want anyone to suffer the heartache of losing a dog like that. But even more important, I never want one dog to suffer.
My dedication to training dogs is my way of honoring my beloved Pepper.
Every dog that I help is a tribute to her.
Honoring not just Pepper, but now a long list of my other angels - Max, Hershel, Woody, Dooley, Zowie, and most recently Bob, Cooper, Bohdi and Bosley.
(losing Bosley truly broke me. I don't think my heart will ever recover)
And of course every one of your dogs! I truly feel like an auntie to each and every one.
Using only positive, reward-based training techniques that are based on scientific learning theory you can easily and effectively modify any behavior.
Using these techniques makes training both fun and effective.
With over 30 years of professional experience, I am Certified AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and the author of the books, The Zen Chien - Enlightened Training For A Fabulous Dogand & 7 Steps To Successfully Selecting The Perfect Dog For You.
In 2011, I was invited to be an ongoing mentor for the students at the Animal Behavior College in Southern California. By training at Dogs Etc., you and your dog will have the opportunity to learn with a master trainer who trains other trainers.
Over 30 years professional experience
Veterinarian Recommended
Master Trainer
AKC Evaluator
Reiki Level 2
Animal Behavior College Mentor
Dogs Etc. is NOT a franchise.
We are NOT a big corporation.
We are a small boutique company dedicated to enriching your dog’s life AND yours.
Just one crazy Orange County girl with a dream and an obsession for dogs.
I am so grateful every single day for all great dogs and amazing owners I have met over these many, many, many years.
I have made so many great friends and played with so many adorable dogs.
Thank you so much for helping me make lemons into Margaritas!!